On November 12, at ...:.... in Tbilisi

Education in the US

Free presentation about education in the USA. Find out how to join and start studying in America in 2023.

How to get a TOP-education in 2023

Do you dream of education in America?
On November 12, at ..:.. at a presentation in Tbilisi, we will talk about secondary and higher education in the US. You will learn about admission requirements, tuition fees and career prospects. Also about the preparatory program from the American school TALK.


At the presentation we will tell

What's different about the education system in the US

We will consider how education in this country differs and what methods of admission exist.

How to enter an American university

What is the TALK preparatory program, the completion of which guarantees to enter to one of the US universities.

Stages of preparation and answers to questions

What steps need to be taken in order to have time to enter an American university in 2023.

How to get a discount on education

We will tell you about several American universities where you can get a discount on training programs.

Prospects after graduation: career and life in the US

How much do graduates of American universities earn, and how quickly you can return the investment in education.

Free registration

The presentation will take place on November 12 at ...:.... Register to learn about education abroad for yourself or your child.
Please note: We do not provide advice on completely free education and grants.

Presentation speakers


Sam Jones, представник INTO University Partnerships

INTO University Partnerships є унікальним проєктом, розробленим для іноземних студентів. INTO пропонує спеціальні підготовчі програми, успішне закінчення яких гарантує зарахування до одного з партнерських університетів США, Великобританії, та Китаю.


Maryna Pavlichenko,founder of the educational company Eruditus

Eruditus is an All-Ukrainian educational company engaged in education abroad for more than 10 years. During this time, we have helped more than 3500+ students go to study and we have many reviews on our YouTube channel and Instagram.

Для кого




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Organizer of the event

Eruditus — All-Ukrainian educational company. We have been engaged in education abroad for more than 10 years. During this time, we have helped more than 3500+ students go to study and we have many reviews on our YouTube channel and Instagram.
We help you choose a country, an educational institution abroad, and also conduct career guidance to choose a study program that suits your interests and abilities. We prepare all documents together with you and stay in touch even after admission.

Eruditus Team

Take a step towards the education of your dreams!

Register for a free presentation from Eruditus and learn about admission opportunities in 2023.
Please note: We do not provide advice on completely free education and grants.

Адреса презентації

Презентація відбудеться 8 жовтня о 12:00 у коворкінгу Generator (зал Terrace), вулиця Михайла Грушевського, 3

Місце проведення є безпечним під час повітряних тривог: є облаштовані зали-укриття.